Youth Assistance

Welcome to the Hazel Park Youth Assistance!

Hazel Park Youth Assistance has been serving families in Hazel Park Schools since 1953. Our Mission Statement is to strengthen youth and families and to reduce the incidence of delinquency, abuse, and neglect through community involvement. 

Hazel Park Youth Assistance Brochure

Hazel Park Youth Assistance Referral Form

Youth Recognition Award

To nominate someone click on this link -- Youth Recognition Award -- to do so. Nominations must be submitted by the end of March. Click here -- Youth Recognition Award Letter -- to read more about it.

Skill Building Scholarship Application

The goal of youth enrichment is to provide scholarships for activities that will enable the youth of the Hazel Park School District to develop a special talent or interest in which, due to lack of funds; they would otherwise be unable to participate. These Skill Building Scholarships -- Click Here To Download Scholarship -- are aimed at expanding the child's horizon, increasing the child's skills, building self-confidence, and enhancing self-esteem.

2024 Camp Scholarship Application

Please send the completed application -- Click Here To Download Application -- to Any questions regarding your application can be directed to HPYA Caseworker, Paul Tiseo at 248-582-9125.